Our Professional Labs


Last Updated: Aug 01, 2024, 04:17 PM

The Daily Egyptian (DE)

daily-egyptian-logo.pngThe Daily Egyptian is a student-run, student produced newspaper, website and social media group. Students can start as early as their first year as reporters, photographers, designers, ad sales reps and social media producers.

The DE published its first newspaper in 1916 and began a digital version in 2018. The online version won the National Scholastic Press Association’s OnLine Pace Maker award three years in a row. The newspaper swept their division with 42 awards at the Illinois College Press Awards in 2024. The DE is one of the largest employers of student workers on campus with many staff members coming from outside of the journalism major.

Saluki Sportsview

sportsview-logo.jpgA student produced television program that is broadcast on WSIU-TV.

The show is produced in JRNL 455 Producing the Sports Talk Show. The program has interviews with coaches, athletes and trainers.


Spring 2024 Saluki Sportsview took first place for Outstanding Sports Program in the Illinois Broadcast Association.

The Saluki Local Reporting Lab

The Saluki Local Reporting Lab, a special project of the SIU School of Journalism and Advertising headed by assistant professors Molly Parker-Stephens and Julia Rendleman, is designed to give students from diverse backgrounds practical reporting experience while providing news coverage to underserved communities, a service that directly aligns with SIU’s core mission. 

The Lab has a threefold mission: 1) to provide critical journalism to communities that are news deserts, or at risk of becoming one, in downstate Illinois. 2) to elevate local issues to national prominence through powerful storytelling that illustrates the effects of state and federal policies on rural communities and small towns; and 3) to give students from diverse backgrounds the opportunity to engage in reporting and research alongside their professors, both accomplished media professionals, as well as other reporters and editors working for regional and national news outlets who will partner with the Lab. 

Gateway Journalism Review (GJR)

Gateway Journalism Review logo

In 2010, the SIUC School of Journalism took over the St. Louis Journalism Review and became its publisher, changing its name to the Gateway Journalism Review to broaden its focus to the Midwest.

There are only two journalism review journals in the United States: the Columbia University Journalism Review and SIU’s Gateway Journalism Review.

Professor William Freivogel is publisher and noted alumna Jackie Spinner (Washington Post) the editor. Spinner has led the development of a weekly email newsletter and online site to augment the quarterly magazine. Two to four graduate students from the college work on the journalism review each year, developing online journalism skills that help them get jobs as tenure track professors or in the news media. Graduate and undergraduate students as well as professors from the college contribute to the magazine.

In 2016, GJR published a special report on the development of the Black Lives Matter movement out of the Ferguson protests of 2014.  In 2020, it published a special edition – “The 1857 Project - telling the story of race, slavery and segregation in Illinois and Missouri.” The project won a national Sigma Delta Chi first-place award for magazines and also an honorable mention in the ABA's Silver Gavel Award contest for the best national coverage of the law. In Dec. 2021 another special edition explained the Legal Roadblocks to Police Accountability. That project was named a finalist for a national Silver Gavel.  

The police accountability special edition involved 20 student journalists from around the country. It and the “1857 Project” were supported by grants from the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting.

  • Fall 2017 Cover

    Fall 2017 GJR Cover
  • Summer 2017 Cover

    Summer 2017 GJR Cover
  • Winter 2019 Cover

    Winter 2019 Cover

Pulitizer Center

Pulitzer Center logo

SIUC is a founding member of the Pulitzer Center's Campus Consortium of 40 universities that send students on reporting fellowships around the world.

Since 2010, SIUC students have traveled abroad and around the United States to produce stories about government feeding programs, women in the military in Ukraine, education on Native American reservations in the U.S., contested elections in Kenya, treatment of LGBTQ immigrants crossing the border from Mexico to Texas, the impact of the hurricane on Puerto Rico, education in El Salvador and Peru, a centuries-old village in Nepal threatened by a hydroelectric project, teen pregnancy in the Dominican Republic, skin-whitening in the Caribbean and Africa.

View Student Journalist Profiles and See Past Works

In addition to students reporting on stories abroad, the program brings well-known journalists to campus, including our own graduates Jackie Spinner and Evan Osnos. The students who have participated in the Pulitzer program are among the most successful that the school has produced. In recent years, the Pulitzer Center has helped fund two award-winning projects that involved students and faculty - The 1857 Project, a retelling of race, slavery and segregation in Missouri and Illinois, and Legal Roadblocks to Police Accountability